Here is a list of research projects in which members of the RCR group are involved.
Acronym | Full Name | Time Span | Type of Project | Partitipants |
QComical | Quantum Computing and its calculi | 2025-2029 | EU / MSCA - Staff Exchange |
DeKLA | Developing Kleene Logics and their Applications | 2023-2025 | Italy / Prin |
NiRvAna | Noninterference and Reversibility Analysis in Private Blockchains | 2022-2025 | Italy / Prin |
DCore | Causal Debugging for Concurrent Systems | 2020-2024 | France / ANR |
RISICO | Reversibilità in sistemi concorrenti: analisi Quantitative e Funzionali | 2024-2025 | Italy / Indam |
-- | Proprietà Qualitative e Quantitative dei Sistemi Reversibili | 2022-2023 | Italy / Indam |
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